Valuation Services for Mineral & Mining Rights for Mineral-Bearing Property Across India
Valuation of Mines and Mining Rights
Mines and mining rights fall into the category of both tangible and intangible assets.
Valuation of mines and mining rights is called for whenever there is a need for trade, purchase or dispose of mineral-bearing land or properties.
An understanding of inherent value is required for this type of asset valuation. Only an experienced valuation firm like ours can offer the detailed, accurate, and standardized advice essential for buy and sale as well as tax compensation and funding for these types of assets.
The valuation of exploration properties is often considered to be a subjective rather than an objective exercise, significantly influenced by the qualifications and expertise of the asset valuer.
RNC is a leading valuation firm with an in-depth understanding of the valuation of mines & minerals and mining rights in the country.
We take cognizance of the contracts, relevant rules and regulations regarding royalties and environment protection obligations along with other factors such as captive capacity, extraction capacity, permission to sell, quality of deposits, extraction and logistics cost, etc. to estimate the value of the mines and mining rights.

Hindalco Industries Limited
Valuation of Mining assets.

Panyam Cements & Mineral Industries Ltd
Valuation of mines and mining rights.

Balasore Alloys Ltd
Valuation of Mining and beneficiation assets.

Gujarat Mining Development Corporation
Valuation of specified mining assets for disposal purpose.