Valuation of Stocks and Inventory
Following are typical assets included in Stocks & Inventory:
As a trusted valuation firm with a strong and capable team of experienced asset valuers, RNC has executed several complex and challenging assignments covering diverse industries like pharmaceutical, engineering, real estate, EPC & infrastructure, ship building, etc.

Punj Lloyd Limited
Valuation of Stocks and Inventory for under construction projects.

ABG Shipyard Limited
Valuation of Inventory related to stores and spares and work in progress Ships & vessels.

Videocon Industries Limited
Valuation of Stock and Inventory of Videocon group across Consumer Electronics and Household appliances, Telecom, Oil & Gas and Real estate.

Hindustan Construction Company Limited
Valuation of Stocks and Inventory for under construction projects.

Suzlon Limited
Valuation of specified inventory comprising windmill component manufacturing units and windmill assets

IVRCL Limited
Valuation of Stocks and Inventory for land bank, under construction Infrastructure and Real estate projects.